Gothic Phase

I definitely feel like I am going through a gothic phase when it comes to my photography as of late.  Something draws me to it.  So here are a few of the shots from the last week or so that I have processed.  Firstly we have an old run-down house which as usual I saw as I drove by.  My rule of ALWAYS carrying my camera gear with me in my car paid off....    A few more shots from the Graveyard from last week here also.  Finally to cheer us all up was a snap of a nice flower and driftwood over on Chapin Beach.  Enjoy!

GraveYard Shift

As promised here are some of the shots from the shoot at the Woodside Cemetery in Barnstable last week.  A very unique place.  It has a great sense of age which is why I have processed my shots in this way.  Dark vignettes seem to fit the mood I think.  These were taken at around 6pm so there is some nice dappled light filtering through the trees.

Red Door. Hyannisport

Sometimes I get a picture in my head of a shot I want long before I get to shoot it.  This is one such occasion where the finished result is very much like the one I had in my mind for well over a month.

And a closer look at the ironwork

New watermark

I have been thinking about creating a personal watermark for a while and I have now finally completed it.  I was wanting a "stamp" effect.  Nice and simple.  Here you can see it in the bottom right of this image.

A rainy day

What to do on a rainy afternoon?  Well it just so happens that overcast skies offer some of the best light to take photos so off into the garden I went in between showers to have a little fun.  Found a small flower which looked nice on the rain-soaked wooden decking and then had some fun in Photoshop.  These two images are almost opposites of each other and show what you can achieve with a little de-saturation on color.  Very effective and very cool.

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